The Confluence Bridge

How to transfer FRA between the EVM and UTXO chains.

The Confluence Bridge allows you to transfer any FRC-20, 721, or 1155 token between the EVM and UTXO ledgers on Fractal. By using Confluence, users can move their FRA from their MetaMask wallet (EVM) to their native wallet (UTXO) for staking.

Step #1

Export the private key from MetaMask and store it in a secure location.


The private key gives any holder full access to your assets stored in your account. Do not share this with any untrusted individual, dApp, or service.

Step #2

Go to the Confluence Bridge section on the Fractal Wallet and choose a transfer direction by clicking the arrow icon.

Step #3

Click the EVM-compatible Wallet and add the MetaMask wallet private key that was exported in step 1 above. Click the Confirm button once you're ready to continue.

Step #4

Input the amount and the destination wallet address, and click Next. You may also click the Address button to select an account already created in your Fractal Wallet.

Step #5

Your FRA will be migrated to the destination wallet after confirming the transaction.

Last updated